A close-up of the Loving Our Own Bones cover, with an evocative image of tree branches and tiny pale leaves against a vibrant yellow background. A small white bird flies upward, from the edge of the image.

Accessible Formats and Plain Language

Loving Our Own Bones as an Ebook and an Audiobook

You can purchase ebook or audio book versions from all major retailers in the US and the UK, including Kindle, Nook, Libro.fm, Audible, and Audible UK.

Loving Our Own Bones is also available via Bookshare, an organization that provides free books in alternate formats to people who are blind, low vision, and print disabled. 

Loving Our Own Bones in Braille

The Jewish Braille Institute is working on producing a Braille version of Loving Our Own Bones, which will be available for free to interested readers.  They’ll also make the book available for free in alternate formats for people who are blind, low vision, and print disabled.  You're welcome to reach out to them for more information.

Loving Our Own Bones in Plain Language

Julia Watts Belser and Devorah Greenstein have created three short plain language pieces that lift up key ideas from the book in simple, straightforward language. Plain language is a crucial dimension of access.  To learn more, read Julia’s piece, “Translating to Plain Language, an Important Part of Disability Equity.”

To read or listen to plain language, click here.